Intro of woo commerce function

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    Features in WooCommerce module:

    1. Synchronize products categories from POS to your online WooCommerce based webshop. (POS to WooCommerce)
    2. Synchronize products from POS to your online WooCommerce based webshop. (POS to WooCommerce)
    3. Update stock details from POS to WooCommerce (POS to WooCommerce)
    4. Synchronize Orders from WooCommece to POS (WooCommerce to POS)
    5. Assign different price for the webshop. (Using Selling Price Group feature)
    6. Map taxes
    7. Shows the details synchronization logs.
    8. Auto Synchronization based on Cron jobs.
    9. Customizable products field for synchronization during product creation & update.
    10. Synchronize product price Including Tax or Excluding tax.


    in Online Billing SoftwareWooCommerce
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