How to post safely and avoid Facebook Jail

How to post safely and avoid Facebook Jail


You must have heard about ‘Facebook Jail’, it means facebook suspending you from using facebook group or other services for some days, which could last between 1 hours to 21days. If ‘Facebook Police’ discover that you are posting same post content to multiple facebook pages and groups at an alarming speed, then you will be regarded as a SPAMMER and thrown into the Virtual Jail.

To prevent getting banned or suspended from posting to Facebook groups, we have created this article on what you should and shouldn’t do.

1. Verify your Account with a Mobile Number (New)

Since September 2017, Facebook has become very strict with accounts that do not have a verified mobile number attached. And if your account is one of those, you must’ve noticed that Facebook is marking some of your posts as spam.

To avoid this, kindly verify your Facebook account with a valid email and mobile number. And if you can’t, we strongly advise you reduce your daily posts to 30 with a good time interval between them.

2. Post Time Intervals

The major factor that triggers the facebook jail police is when you post to Facebook at an alarming rate. Either to your facebook wall, facebook page, facebook groups or even when you comment on posts. Your account comes under scrutiny when facebook discovers that you are not posting like a human but as a robot who have been programmed to post every 30 seconds.

Either you post manually or with a service such as FB Auto Tool, as long as the time in between posts are very little, you are likely to be thrown into facebook jail.



facebook group poster

FB Auto Tool has made this a lot easier for you by providing flexible posting interval between 10 seconds to 25 minutes for instant posting and between 1 Minute to 90 hours for scheduled posts. However, we only recommend you to use the instant posting (Send Now) option when posting to very few groups between and 1-5. If you are posting to a large number of groups, you are advised to use post schedule and do NOT use a posting time interval below 7 Minutes. 

[dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]It is recommended to use posting time interval of 10 Minutes and above[/dt_quote]

This way the facebook jail police cannot flag your account because it is only normal for a human to be able to change facebook group and post o them within 5-8 minutes.

UPDATE: Using FB Auto Tool Auto Pause Feature


facebook group poster

Auto pause is the new FB Auto Tool feature that stops your scheduled post for a set time and then resumes when the time elapses.

This feature will make your posting looks humanly enough and will definitely reduce the risk of getting flagged by Facebook.

To use this feature, you’ll see a new option below the post schedule screen. As shown in the image above.

The Auto pause after (Posts) is the number of posts FB Auto Tool will Publish before pausing the posting schedule and Auto resume after (Hours) is the number of Hours FB Auto Tool will delay before it resumes posting again.

It is highly recommended to use this feature when posting to over Over 30 Groups. That way, you’ll be 99% sure of avoiding Facebook Jail.

3. Number of Groups to Post Daily Per Facebook Account

This is another important issue that gets many thrown into the facebook jail. Although Facebook has no specific number of groups you can push posts to daily, it is only ideal that it flags any account that overdoes it. When you post to 500 groups daily with a single Facebook account, it clearly shows that you are either SPAMMING or TROLLING. In the real world, it wouldn’t have been possible to manually post to over 500 groups in a single day without the facebook police taking note of you.


[dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]Our recommended number of groups to post daily is 1- 50 per Facebook account.[/dt_quote]

To avoid the issue of facebook sending your account into jail, FB Auto Tool have created different measures to protect you, and one of them is the ability to use multiple facebooks accounts for a single FB Auto Tool Account. This will enable you to switch in between the facebook account to get your post to a large number of audience and at the same time avoid facebook jail.

Although we have tested posting to over 120 groups per facebook account (in 2016) without getting flagged with the right posting time interval and unique URL in place, however, things are changing and Facebook is getting more strict. We recommend a maximum of 50 groups to FB Auto Tool users because our goal is to never have a member in facebook jail for any reason relating to the use of our service.

4. Utilize FB Auto Tool Posting Settings



facebook group posterWe have discussed this in our other article that teaches you how to prepare your account for your first, utilizing these settings the right way will help you prevent Facebook jail.

Our main aim is to create a ban free system so we continue updating FB Auto Tool to see that this aim is achievable. That is why we have added two additional option to enable you to post unique articles to each of the Facebook groups you post to.

First among these options is to enable Unique Post. This option is enabled adds a unique id to the posted message, this means that Facebook spam rule number one of posting the same message multiple numbers of Facebook groups has been beaten, this is because every post will be seen as a new post.

The second option is Unique Link. This option adds an id as a parameter to the post link you are sending. This way your post URL will not be seen as a spam link and will not be blacklisted by facebook jail police. However, this option is not advisable if you are using a URL shortener, this is because adding a parameter to a URL shortening service such as will prevent the URL pointing to the right destination.

[dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]Do not enable Unique Link with a shortened URL[/dt_quote]


5.  Always switch between Posting Apps

FB Auto Tool has provided you with different applications for posting. It is highly recommended you switch between these applications to reduce the risk of being flagged as a spammer. This is one of the measures taken by us to ensure you post safely to multiple Facebook groups and avoid facebook jail.

App switching can be done every 3 days if you post regularly.

5. Change Photo and URL of a Re-Scheduled Post

If you are planning to run a marketing campaign on facebook groups, we recommend that after a few batches of a particular post, it is highly recommended you change the Image and if possible shorten (or re-shorten) the URL to give your post a new look. This will not only give your post more clicks but will also make it look fresh to the facebook spam detection system.

By now you should know that Facebook monitors all of your activities on its system, therefore it is now your responsibility to make your post as real as possible.

If you don’t know before now, facebook blacklists not just links, but also images. A blacklisted image will prevent your post from going through. If you use FB Auto Tool and you get an error like the one in the picture below, then you should know that either the URL or image you use in your post message has been blacklisted. Changing post photo regularly will save you from such stress.

blacklisted image error

6. Switch Between Facebook Accounts

Switching between your facebook accounts on FB Auto Tool for posting is a very good way to avoid facebook jail. When you post with different accounts, there is less burden on a particular account. And with this, you get your marketing campaign to reach more audience and the same time you save yourself from getting flagged by Facebook.

7. Take advantage of Auto Comment

It is safer to comment than to keep posting same content. With FB Auto Tool’s Auto Comment feature, you can always bump your post to the top of the groups, instead of you to keep posting same content every time.

All you need is for a group admin to approve one of your posts once and you can keep bumping this particular post daily and it’ll be getting to the top of the group every time.

8. Don’t Post to Unknown Pages (Or Competitor’s page)

One of the easiest ways to get flagged on Facebook is posting to Facebook pages (not groups) that aren’t yours. Unlike Groups, pages are owned by businesses and they are strictly monitored by the Page admins. A competitor would never think twice to flag your post as spam as it disrupts its business and you could be stealing away its customer.

Also, no page admin will want to go through the stress of having to delete your post from their page, it is much easier to click the spam button before blacklisting you.

The two scenarios above are the shortcuts to getting flagged by Facebook (in 2017). you should also know that pages will never give your post enough exposure or engagements like a Facebook group.

You should only use FB Auto Tool’s page posting features for scheduling to the pages you admin, and not to spam other business pages.

9. Stop Posting to Groups that won’t Approve your Posts

It is useless posting to a group that’ll never approve your posts. This has nothing to do with group privacy, groups (OPEN, CLOSE or SECRET) can set posts to pending by default and will require the group admin’s manual approval before going live.

If you have posted up to 3 times in a particular group and none has been approved after some days or weeks, it is best you list down groups like this and you either exit such group or hide it completely from FB Auto Tool to avoid posting to it in your next campaign.

If one of the group admins where you have multiple pending posts marks your post as a spam, there is a VERY high chance of you or your content getting punished by Facebook.

10. Avoid Running Multiple Actions

We strongly advised against running multiple actions on FB Auto Tool. FB Auto Tool let you run multiple actions such as Post, Comment, Join Groups and Invite friends to join groups. If you’ll like to run all of these actions, we advise you pause one for another.

If you have a running post schedule and you’ll like to do a comment bumping, you should either pause or allow the post schedule to finish running.

Running multiple actions at the same time could trigger Facebook spam system.

11. Other Factors that could get you into Facebook Jail

Below are some of the other factors that could make Facebook ban your account from using facebook group and other related services;

i. Posting Nude Content:

Nudity is not allowed on Facebook and most other social media platforms. If you continue to post such content either on your profile wall, pages or groups, there is a possibility that Facebook will suspend you from using some of its services.

ii. Posting Provocative Content :

Posting content that promotes hatred, threat, racism and direct attacks on a group of people or individual could lead you to Facebook jail as this is against the common social media practice on any internet community. Spam or no spam, you’ll certainly be flagged if found to be promoting such content.

iii. Other Suspicious activities

Facebook police could throw you in the jail if it found you to be suspicious in your activities and/or you are being reported by other users on a regular basis.

We hope you have understood how you can stay safe on Facebook and at the same time enjoy the marketing power of FB Auto Tool.

Drop your comment below if you have any question relating to Facebook jail or any other issue concerning


How to post safely and avoid Facebook Jail

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