How to create and activate your Facebook Group Poster Account

Welcome to Smart Auto Tool – FB Auto Tool. In this article, we’ll try to guide you through the basic steps on setting up your FB Auto Tool account.

Below are the Five basic steps to successfully create and activate your FB Auto Tool Account;

Step 1: Visit, click on the Sign Up button.

facebook group poster


Step 2: FIll the simple sign up form.

[dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]Note: When signing up, you CANNOT use Capital letters in your username and your password must be at least SIX characters (alpha-numerical and/or symbols). and make sure you enter a valid email address.[/dt_quote]


Step 3: After clicking the sign up button, you’ll then be required to activate your email.


facebook group poster

Step 4: Now head over to your email and click the activation link sent to you by FB Auto Tool (

facebook group poster

Step 5: Your account is now set up, all you need to do is login with your username and password.

facebook group poster

Now that you have successfully created and activated your account, now head on to how to Set up your account for your first post.

in Getting Started
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