Account Import for Combo Poster

Article sections

    Click the “Add New Account” button and it will redirect you to ask permission. Allow permissions and then system will redirect you on Account import page again. If everything is ok then you will see your account on the list.

    Create Text Post

    On the top of this page there are some input fields which will ask you to provide information regarding text post.

    Provide the following information:

    1. Campaign Name
    2. Title (For Tumblr, Reddit)
    3. Message (Plain text)

    Then schedule it as desired.

    You can post on your

    1. Facebook Pages
    2. Twitter Accounts
    3. Tumblr Accounts
    4. Reddit Accounts
    5. Linkedin Accounts & Pages

    After providing all the information and selecting your accounts you just need to click the submit button. Then you will find a pop up window which will give you the campaign creating success or failure message.

    If your campaign creation is successful then your post will be posted as you scheduled. You can find the campaign report by clicking the link either on the campaign success message or Combo Poster sub-menu.

    Note : Twitter will allow only 280 characters. Be careful.

    Campaign Report List

    On this page you will find all the campaigns you have created. You can search your campaigns by their names and campaign completing status.

    If your campaign is not completed yet then you will see 4 buttons on the box that contains your campaign’s name. Otherwise you will find 3 buttons, except the edit button.

    They are :

    1. Campaign report (Left most button)
    2. Clone campaign (Next the left most button)
    3. Edit campaign (Next the Clone button)
    4. Delete Campaign (Right most button)

    You will find your campaign status on your campaign info box.

    Campaign Report

    On this page you will find all the information you had given while creating campaign. If your campaign is completed then you will find the urls of your posts. Click on the social media name and post urls will appear corresponding with selected social media.

    Create Image Post

    On the top of this page there are some input fields which will ask you to provide information regarding image post.

    Provide the following informations:

    1. Campaign Name
    2. Title (For Reddit, Medium)
    3. Image
    4. Message (For Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest)
    5. Rich Content (For Mediam, Blogger, WordPress)

    Then schedule it as desired.

    You can post on your

    1. Facebook Pages
    2. Twitter Accounts
    3. Tumblr Accounts
    4. Pinterests Accounts
    5. Medium Accounts
    6. WordPress Accounts
    7. Blogger Accounts

    After providing all the information and selecting your accounts you just need to click the submit button. Then you will find a pop up window which will give you the campaign creating success or failure message.

    If your campaign creation is successfull then your post will be posted as you scheduled. You can find the campaign report by clicking the link either on the campaign success message or ComboPoster sub-menu.

    Note : Twitter will allow only 280 charecters. Be carefull.
    Message is for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest & Rich Content is for Mediam, Blogger, WordPress

    Campaign Report List

    On this page you will find all the campaigns you have created. You can search your campaigns by their names and campaign completing status.

    If your campaign is not completed yet then you will see 4 buttons on the box that contains your campaign’s name. Otherwise you will find 3 buttons, except the edit button.

    They are :

    1. Campaign report
    2. Clone campaigns
    3. Edit campaign
    4. Delete Campaign

    You will find your campaing status on your campaign info box. If you click on the thumbnail it will pop up a window containing your image.

    Campaign Report

    On this page you will find all the information you had given while creating campaign. If your campaign is completed then you will find the urls of your posts. Click on the social media name and post urls will appear corrosponding with selected social media.

    Create Video Post

    On the top of this page there are some input fields which will ask you to provide information regarding video post.

    Provide the following informations:

    1. Campaign Name
    2. Title (For Reddit, Medium)
    3. Privacy Type
    4. Video URL
    5. Video thumbnail URL( for facebook )
    6. Message (For Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest)

    Then schedule it as desired.

    You can post on your

    1. Facebook Pages
    2. Twitter Accounts
    3. Tumblr Accounts
    4. Youtube Chanels

    After providing all the information and selecting your accounts you just need to click the submit button. Then you will find a pop up window which will give you the campaign creating success or failure message.

    If your campaign creation is successfull then your post will be posted as you scheduled. You can find the campaign report by clicking the link either on the campaign success message or ComboPoster sub-menu.

    Note : Twitter will allow only 280 charecters. Be carefull.
    Privacy Type is only for Youtube Channel. Don’t post duplicate videos on Youtube Channels.

    Campaign Report List

    On this page you will find all the campaigns you have created. You can search your campaigns by their names and campaign completing status.

    If your campaign is not completed yet then you will see 4 buttons on the box that contains your campaign’s name. Otherwise you will find 3 buttons, except the edit button.

    They are :

    1. Campaign report
    2. Clone campaigns
    3. Edit campaign
    4. Delete Campaign

    You will find your campaing status on your campaign info box. If you click on the thumbnail it will pop up a window containing your video.

    Campaign Report

    On this page you will find all the information you had given while creating campaign. If your campaign is completed then you will find the urls of your posts. Click on the social media name and post urls will appear corrosponding with selected social media.

    Create Link Post

    On the top of this page there are some input fields which will ask you to provide information regarding link post.

    Provide the following informations:

    1. Campaign Name
    2. Link Caption (For Linkedin)
    3. Paste Link
    4. Thumbnail URL
    5. Message

    Then schedule it as desired.

    You can post on your

    1. Facebook Pages
    2. Twitter Accounts
    3. Tumblr Accounts
    4. Reddit Accounts
    5. Linkedin Accounts & Pages

    After providing all the information and selecting your accounts you just need to click the submit button. Then you will find a pop up window which will give you the campaign creating success or failure message.

    If your campaign creation is successfull then your post will be posted as you scheduled. You can find the campaign report by clicking the link either on the campaign success message or ComboPoster sub-menu.

    Note : Twitter will allow only 280 charecters. Be carefull.

    Campaign Report List

    On this page you will find all the campaigns you have created. You can search your campaigns by their names and campaign completing status.

    If your campaign is not completed yet then you will see 4 buttons on the box that contains your campaign’s name. Otherwise you will find 3 buttons, except the edit button.

    They are :

    1. Campaign report
    2. Clone campaigns
    3. Edit campaign
    4. Delete Campaign

    You will find your campaing status on your campaign info box. If you click on the thumbnail it will pop up a window containing your link thumbnail.

    Campaign Report

    On this page you will find all the information you had given while creating campaign. If your campaign is completed then you will find the urls of your posts. Click on the social media name and post urls will appear corrosponding with selected social media.

    Create HTML Post

    On the top of this page there are some input fields which will ask you to provide information regarding html post.

    Provide the following informations:

    1. Campaign Name
    2. Title
    3. Rich Content( For Mediam, Blogger, WordPress )

    Then schedule it as desired.

    You can post on your

    1. Medium Accounts
    2. Blogger Accounts
    3. WordPress Accounts

    After providing all the information and selecting your accounts you just need to click the submit button. Then you will find a pop up window which will give you the campaign creating success or failure message.

    If your campaign creation is successfull then your post will be posted as you scheduled. You can find the campaign report by clicking the link either on the campaign success message or ComboPoster sub-menu.

    Note : If you upload images from your local storage, Medium and WordPress will not post your image.

    Campaign Report List

    On this page you will find all the campaigns you have created. You can search your campaigns by their names and campaign completing status.

    If your campaign is not completed yet then you will see 4 buttons on the box that contains your campaign’s name. Otherwise you will find 3 buttons, except the edit button.

    They are :

    1. Campaign report (Left most button)
    2. Clone campaign (Next the left most button)
    3. Edit campaign (Next the Clone button)
    4. Delete Campaign (Right most button)

    You will find your campaing status on your campaign info box.

    Campaign Report

    On this page you will find all the information you had given while creating campaign. If your campaign is completed then you will find the urls of your posts. Click on the social media name and post urls will appear corrosponding with selected social media.

    in Combo PosterFacebook Messenger Marketing
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