Bot Settings

Article sections

     In Bot Settings Section, You’ll See all of your Bot Enabled Pages with the settings options.

     Bot Settings Instructions:

    Click on the Bot Settings menu to see the current bot settings and you can See,edit or delete any existing bot settings, even you can search bot settings if you want. Also You can add a new bot setting by click on Add Bot Settings button at the top right corner.

      •  Add Bot Settings: Click On the Add Bot Settings button to get the settings form to add a new bot settings.

                     In the bot settings form there are four types of replies(see the above image):

        •  Reply: This is keyword based reply. Replying Keywords must be comma separated.
        •  Post-back: This reply is button click reply. For this you must have a Post-back ID which you’ve to create from Post-back Manager Menu. [In postback template when you are creating a postback reply template, this postback will come during BOT settings in drop down menu if you select button type as postback.] 
        •  No Match: If the bot found no matched message then it’ll send a generic reply.
        •  Get Started: It will Generate replies when users click on the Get Started button.

     There are Ten types of reply templates in the bot settings(see the below image):

    •  Text: Text Reply Template is to send simple text reply with message.
    •  Image: Image Reply Template is to send Reply with an image.
    •  Audio: Audio Reply Template is to send Reply with an audio that will play on messenger.
    •  Video: Video Reply Template is to send Reply with a video that will play on messenger.
    •  Text With Button: Text With Button Reply Template is to Send Reply With Text and Buttons [every button requires a post-back ID for identification and you need to add another bot settings to handle that post-back button]
    •  List: List Reply Template is to Send reply with a list of links with thumbnail and link action.
    •  File: File Reply Template is to send reply with an attachment.
    •  Generic Template: Generic Template is to send reply with Single image,image action URL,title,subtitle and buttons [either button can be a post-back button or can open a website URL]
    •  Quick Reply: Reply with text and buttons [every button requires a post-back ID for identification and you need to add another bot settings to handle that post-back button]
    •  Carousel: Carousel Reply Template is to send reply with an Array of generic templates – multiple generic templates display as slider.

     You can add maximum 3 reply templates in a bot setting.

     Get Started Settings:

     If you enable this, When someone come to your page first time chat box will pop up and a button called “Get Started” will appear. You can add the action reply for clicking the button in “Bot Settings” (described below).

     Disable Bot:

     If you want to disable the bot of a page, you can do it by click on disable bot button.

     Persistent Menu [Requires “Get Started” Button]:

      The Persistent Menu is always available to the user. This menu should contain top-level actions that users can enact at any point. Having a persistent menu easily communicates the basic capabilities of your bot for first-time and returning users. The menu will automatically appear in a thread if the person has been away for a certain period of time and returns.
    You can create multi-level (nested) persistent menu and also can have different menu for different locale.

     Click On the Persistent Menu button to get started and click on create persistent menu button to create persistent menu.

     You’ll get a form like as below image.

      •  Locale: This field is to set your menu language on which language you want to publish the persistent menu.
      •  Composer Input Disabled: If it is set as disabled then no one can write a message in the typing area and can’t send a message.
      •  Level-1 Menu: You can add maximum three menu of level-1 by click on  button. There are three types of menu:

        •  Web URL: This is refers to Web based menu and you’ve to put the URL for the menu.
        •  Post-back: This is post-back based menu. If you select as post-back, your all post-back templated ID will be shown there but you must have postback ID. You’ll can add post-back with persistent menu but you must have a Post-back ID which you can create from Post-back Manager Menu.
        •  Nested: If you want to create nested persistent menu for level-1 menu, then select nested option and level-2 menu form will appear for the level-1 menu and if you want nested menu for level-2 menu then select nested option from level-2 menu. [Remember you can add maximum three level-1 menu and maximum five nested level-2 menu for a level-1 menu and can add maximum five level-3 menu for level-2 menu.]
    •  After Completed Creating Persistent Menu, you’ve to publish this menu to see this. Click on the Publish Persistent Menu to publish the menu.[If you edit any existing persistent menu, you’ve also publish the menu again to publish updated menu.]

     You Must have to set a persistent menu for “Default” Locale and publish it. It’s mandatory by Facebook.

     Persistent Menu For Member User: If You have enabled “Persistent Menu Copyright” module for the user. That means the user can create 2 level 1 menu and the 3rd one will be added automatically by system taking the settings from Messenger Bot > General Settings. If the user have assigned Persistent Menu Copyright module and the settings are blank then system takes product name and app url by default.

     Human Chat Settings:

     Sometimes subscribers don’t want to chat with a robot. They want to chat with a human with their query. This setting is for giving them the option with whom he/she wants to talk (see Fig-0).
     First of all, you have to set bot settings for human/robot button. In the bot settings form (see the below image), select text with button from template type and at the bottom provide button name and select Button type as Chat with Human/Chat with Robot (see the below image)

     Click on Human Chat Settings button (see Fig-1). A modal will appear (see Fig-2). In the modal, you will see a notification email field where you’ve to set the receiver email. When a user clicks on human button (see Fig-0), an email will be sent to the given email address to notify the admin that he/she wants to talk with a human.

     When a user clicks on human/robot button (see Fig-0), it will automatically reply with default chat with human/chat with robot templates (see below images) which is by default exists in the system. If you want to resume chat with human/chat with robot, simply just click on the Resume chat with Bot/Chat with human button (see images).
     If you want to update the default templates, you can simply click on the button to update the default template (see the Fig-3).

     Delete Bot:

    If you want to delete an enabled bot from bot setting, you may delete bot by click on Delete Bot button. It will delete the bot from your bot settings list.

     Enable Mark Seen:

    If you enable mark seen option then you’ll able to see when your message was read.

     Typing Settings:

    Typing Settings refers when a user type a message it’ll show typing process in messenger during send a message and you can set a delay from typing setting for how much time the typing will appear or after hoe much time the message will be sent.


     Contact & Location:

     You can get subscribers contact & Location information by setting a bot. First you’ve to set bot for user email,user phone, user location (see the below image). Select quick reply as template type and from the bottom give a name of button and select any of button type from button type field. [you can also add more button by click on add more button at the bottom right corner of the form.], whenever you get any email, location or phone number in messenger through bot setting, it’ll be stored in your database.

     Click on the Contact & Location button to see your subscribers email/phone/location list. You can Download your subscribers email and phone numbers by click on Download email & phone list button. There are also three buttons through whom You can Update the default subscription template of email/phone/location (see the below image).


    After you setup bot and it starts replying people they will be your Messenger lead/subscriber. If you want to stop bot for any particular lead/subscriber and chat by yourself, simply click the “Stop Bot” button.

     Error Log Report:

    If you Get any type errors, you can see the error at error log report menu. Click on Error Log Report button to see if there any error exists or not.

    in Facebook Messenger MarketingMessenger Bot
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