Sequence messaging is a marketing strategy that sends, or “drips,” a pre-written set of messages to messenger bot subscribers over time. This feature can send 24H promo and non-promotional with tag message sequence to messenger bot subscriber. It uses BOT API for sending message. The subscribers will be assigned under your sequence campaign automatically based on their entry point (engagement plugins) or post-back click. However, you can also assign manually or change the campaign.
Go to Messenger Bot > Bot Settings and you will find a new block named sequence message settings. This will show you all existing sequence set for that page. Click Add sequence to add a new sequence. The list will also show briefcase icon beside every sequence setttings that will expand action buttons including edit, delete and reports.
There are total 6 types of sequence. There must be a default type sequence for each page. You can multiple sequence of other types
Any new subscriber will fall under this sequence if not other advanced sequence found. You can create only one of this type and creating default type sequence is required.
You can create multiple custom sequence and it is very useful to assign a sequence manually to a subscriber from Subscriber Manager > Bot Subscribers > Action or specify sequence while creating postback from Messenger Bot > Postback manager
The rest of types are for messenger engagement tools. As for example say we are using checkbox type. Clicking it will show your checkbox plugin list and you can select one. When a visitor will come through that checkbox plugin, he/she will be assigned under this sequence campaign automatically. Sequence message campaign will be assigned for checkbox plugin only after replying back of the message sent for checkbox OPT-IN.
The rest of the types are same as checkbox type.
You can send any promotional content under “24hour promotional” sequence. Pages are permitted to send promotional message to subscribers, those has sent message to your page in last 24 hours. The 24-hour limit is refreshed each time a person responds to a business through one of the eligible actions listed in messenger conversation entry points. The targeted subscribers may be less than real count because eligible subscriber calculation algorithm of our system has been implemented by using 23 hours time frame and avoid risk.
Use daily non-promotional sequence with message tag carefully. message must not contain any advertisement or promotional material & use appropriate tag that`s is applicable for sending message to those people. using message tag without proper reason may result in block your page`s messaging option by Facebook.
You can upto 30 message in this sequcne ranging from day 1 to day 30. For daily non-promo campaign you can specify the time of the day you want to send the message. System will start processing message from starting hour & terminate processing at closing hour of the day. The time interval must be minimum one hour. If your subscriber list for this campaign is large, you should select larger time interval in order to send all message properly.

The report of hourly and daily sequcne message will look like below correspondingly. It will show each hour or day report of each send and will show the send & delivery status alongside with error messages if any.