Conversions & Growth Platform
This website have ability to create and manage campaigns and notifications for any of their own websites while generating great analytics and having possibilities to track and keep conversions from the specific websites that the user is having.
Notification Type
1. Informational
2. Coupon
3. Live Counter
4. Email Collector
5. Latest Conversion
6. Conversions Counter
7. YouTube Video
8. Social Share
9. Random Review
10. Emoji Feedback
11. Cookie Notification
12. Score Feedback
13. Request Collector
14. Countdown Collector
Notification Trigger
1. All Pages
2. Exact Match
3. Contain
4. Start With
5. End With
Display Trigger
1. Delay
2. Exit Intent
3. Scroll Percentage
4. Display Notification Once Per Session
5. Display on Small Screen (Mobile Devices)
Notification Display
1. Display Duration
2. Display Position
3. Display Close Button
4. Display Branding*
1. Title Color
2. Description Color
3. Background Color
1. Impression
2. Hover
3. Click